- Getting product images...
- Identifying imprint areas...
- Calculating canvas size...
- Rendering...
- Calculating image size...
- Validating image...
- Uploading image to server...
- Creating a layer...
- Saving the project...
- Creating project preview..
- Applying design to product...
- Rendering...
- Sending image for processing...
- Applying effects...
- Getting image from server...
- Creating a layer...
002148167 Bottle Reflector
- B
- I
Print Color:
- Rectangle
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Triangle
- Line
- Polyline
- Free draw
Shape Color:
002148167 Bottle Reflector
Ideal for the pharmaceutical and beverage industries, the bottle has in the past advertised ketchup, milk and fruit juce to name but a few, A hi-vis accessory that attaches to bags, rucksack, clothing etc via supplied 15cm ball chain to send a visible message. Highest quality prisms mean this original Coreflect brand conforms to EN13356 even when printed with your logo/message.